Learning To Wait Well In My Waiting Season

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I’m currently in a season of waiting on God, and I can attest that it’s HARD. Waiting can be a challenging and even lonely journey. There are times when doubt, despair, and disappointment creep in, making the waiting process even more difficult.

Learning to wait on God, His timing is perfect

During this time, I’ve sought solace in the scriptures, finding comfort and guidance in the words of the Bible. One verse that has been particularly encouraging is Isaiah 40:31, which says, “But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” This verse reminds me that as I wait on God, my strength will be renewed, and He will give me the endurance to keep going, even when things seem bleak.

How To Wait On God

In the waiting season, be prepared to become best friends with what I call the “3Ds of waiting”: doubt, despair, and disappointment. Many sermons or teachings only highlight the “correct heart posture” on how to wait, but I would like to emphasize the ugly truth that nobody is spared from the season of waiting.

Struggling with doubt is normal, and I often find myself questioning God’s timing and plan. In moments of doubt, I turn to the book of Proverbs, which advises us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). This verse reminds me that I don’t have to have all the answers; I can trust in God’s wisdom and understanding, even when I don’t fully comprehend His ways.

If you recall Job’s story, he also questioned God. However, God was not angry with him for being honest with his feelings and questions. God rebuked Job for his self-righteousness because he considered himself spotless and good, believing he didn’t deserve such intense suffering.

When I mentally struggle in my waiting season and start questioning why it’s more difficult now that I follow and wait on God in life, self-righteousness and pride often creep in. What I have found helpful to bring me back to a state of thanksgiving is a reminder that I deserve hell without Jesus, and suffering is an inevitable part of life. It may sound very morbid, but I find solace in this understanding.

Wrestling With Despair And Disappointment In Your Waiting

Despair and disappointment can also be companions in the waiting process. As mere humans, we have an idea of how we’d like our prayers to be answered and how things will pan out. Often, though, we are faced with many “almost there” moments. Have you ever thought that the answer to your prayer is here, only to be disappointed because that was not it? I have, many times. Disappointment is something I’m very familiar with in my walk of faith. When I feel overwhelmed by these emotions, I remember the words of Psalm 27:14, “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” This verse encourages me to be strong and courageous in the face of disappointment, knowing that God is with me and still working in the midst of my waiting, even though nothing seems to change.

In times of struggle, I’ve found it helpful to be honest with God about my feelings and emotions. I pour out my heart to Him in prayer, knowing that He understands my innermost thoughts and feelings. I’ve also sought support from my fellow believers, sharing my struggles with trusted friends and seeking their prayers and encouragement. However, choose your support system wisely, because not everyone will understand and be on board with what you’re praying for. This is deeply personal; it’s almost between you and God. If you don’t trust anyone to be a good support to you yet, keep it between you and the Lord. You can share general information and ask for prayer support without diving into details. You don’t owe anyone details of your life. Referring back to Job’s story, his three friends were not of much help despite their good intentions, hence I wrote what I wrote.

In dealing with despair and hopelessness, I remind myself that God is sovereign. He can do anything; He is the God of the impossible. Sometimes, it’s hard to balance the image of God, precisely because he is too great for us mere mortals to understand. How can he be a friend, father, lord, brother, and spouse, yet almighty, jealous, just, wrathful, and ruler of all? Until today, my brain cannot understand it. But if I could understand it, then He would not be God. So I rest my case. When I have no hope and my heart is dying, I ask Him for strength and hope. The bible says “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life” (Proverbs 13:12), so I will come to Jesus to help me guard my heart.

Let’s Wait Well

Waiting on God may be hard, but I’m learning to surrender my desires and timelines to Him. I must trust that His plan is perfect and that He knows what’s best for me. While the waiting may not always make sense (and in extreme cases, some people may think I’m crazy), I’m reminded of the promise in Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.”

So, as I continue to wait on God, I’m clinging to His promises, seeking His guidance, and choosing to trust in His faithfulness. In the midst of doubt, despair, and disappointment, I cling to the hope that as I wait, God is shaping and preparing me for the blessings and plans He has in store.


  1. Hi!..
    Thank you for sharing this, I’m so blessed, and also I just couldnt stop my tears as I was reading this, bcs of how I’m reminded of His Greatness and of how He really takes care of us.
    Thank you, God bless you..

    • Hi Hana,
      I don’t know what promise are you waiting for and your struggles, but I hope that Jesus renews your strength and that we both will come out on the other side bringing testimonies for His glory. We are reminded every day that He is perfect and faithful and what a beautiful Lord we have that shares our sufferings with us to produce something worthy in this world. God bless you. <3

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