Converting Permesso Di Soggiorno Studente to Ricerca Di Lavoro

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If you’ve been studying in Italy and are now wondering, “What’s next?”, I’ve got some exciting news for you. I’ve navigated the process of converting my student residence permit (permesso di soggiorno per motivi studenti) into a job-seeking one (permesso di soggiorno per motivi ricerca di lavoro), and I’m here to guide you through it. On the other hand, if you haven’t make up your mind yet whether to move to Italy or not, read my article here.

Italian Permesso di Soggiorno Yellow Kit
Permesso Di Soggiorno Kit Giallo (yellow kit from Poste Italiane)

How To Convert Permesso Di Soggiorno Studente to Ricerca Di Lavoro 🌟

After my studies, I stumbled upon this gem: Italy allows us to convert our student residence permit into a job-seeking one. It’s Italy’s way of saying, “We value your skills; why not contribute here?” And honestly, it’s a fantastic opportunity.

🚦Who Is Eligible to Apply for Permesso Di Soggiorno Ricerca di Lavoro?🚦

The job-seeking residence permit is governed by decree n.71/2018. Non-EU citizens who have obtained a higher education degree in Italy can request it, such as:

  • Doctorate or Master’s degree (dottorato o master universitario)
  • Bachelor’s degree or Specialist degree (laurea triennale o la laurea specialistica)
  • First or second level academic diploma (diploma accademico di primo livello o di secondo livello)
  • Higher technical diploma (diploma di tecnico superiore)

This permit, designed to allow the holder to find a job or start a business “consistent with the completed educational path,” lasts between 9 to 12 months.

What Documents Do I Need? Document Checklist

For you to apply for Permesso Di Soggiorno per motivi ricerca di lavoro, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  • Passport
  • Current Permesso di Soggiorno (per motivi studenti)
  • Codice fiscale (tax code)
  • Your degree certificate
  • Residenza – read if you need one and how to apply in this blogpost
  • Carta Identita (necessary for applying for the DID online, or you can also access the site using your SPID)
  • Tessera Sanitaria (national health insurance) or any international insurance covering your stay
  • DID online (dichiarazione di immediata disponibilità al lavoro) – an automatic certification of your immediate availability for work. Apply for your DID at the ANPAL website.
  • Financial proof showing a minimum of €5,889 in your bank account
  • €16 marca da bollo or revenue stamp (available at local tabacchi)

The Different Types of Permesso di Soggiorno and Their Code

There are many types of permesso di soggiorno, and each one serves a different purpose. Here’s what they are and the code related to each one.

CodeTypes / Motifs
03Aggiornamento carta di soggiorno (cambio domicilio, stato civile, inserimento figli, cambio passaporto, aggiornamento foto)
04Aggiornamento permesso di soggiorno (cambio domicilio, stato civile, inserimento figli, cambio passaporto)
05Attesa occupazione
06Atessa acquisto cittadinanza
07Asilo rinnovo
09Permesso di soggiorno UE per soggiornanti di lungo periodo
10Conversione permesso di soggiorno
11Duplicato carta di soggiorno
12Duplicato permesso di soggiorno
14Famiglia minore
15Lavoro autonomo
16Lavoro subordinato
17Lavoro casi particolari previsti art 27. Testo unico immigrazione
18Lavoro subordinato-stagionale
20Motivi religiosi
21Residenza elettiva
23Status apolidia rinnovo
24Motivi di studio (art. 39 TUI)
25Tirocinio formazione professionale
27Ricercatore (art. 27 ter TUI)
28Ricercatore – ricerca lavoro (art. 27 ter TUI)
29Ricercatore – mobilita (art. 27 ter TUI)
30Studente – Ricerca lavoro (art.39 bis. 1 TUI)
31Studente (art. 39 bis TUI)
32Alunno (art.39 bis TUI)
33Tirocinante (art.39 bis TUI)
table of permesso di soggiorno types and code

Step-by-Step Breakdown of The Application Process 🛠

Document Roundup

  • Start with the Poste Kit Giallo (Yellow Kit), filling out Module 1.
  • Photocopy ALL the original documents mentioned above to include in the kit for Poste Italiane.

The Poste Italiane Pilgrimage

By now, visiting the Poste Italiane feels like a yearly pilgrimage for us non-EU foreigners. Here’s what to do:

  • Present the original passport and residence permit.
  • Pay €30.46 for the electronic residence permit (PSE) + €40 for a one-year permit + €30.46 for each child (if you have children).
  • Ship the envelope (€30).
  • Collect the shipping receipt, payment receipt, and Questura appointment details.

Questura Day – The Final Frontier:

Arrive at least 30 minutes early for your appointment. They’ll take your fingerprints and inform you about collecting your new permesso di soggiorno. Bring ALL the original documents you included in the yellow kit and 4 passport photos (plus 2 for each child, if applicable).

Golden Nuggets of Wisdom 📜

  • Speaking Italian helps and will make your process 1,000 times smoother. Make sure you brush up on your Italian language skills.
  • You’ll need to prove you have a certain financial means (at least €5,889 annually) and health insurance.
  • If your degree certificate isn’t immediately available, don’t sweat it! You can submit it within sixty days of your request.
  • If this feels overwhelming, consider hiring an immigration lawyer. It might cost around €150 or more, but they can expedite processes, like the notorious 6 to 9-month wait for a Questura appointment.

There you have it! My personal guide to converting your permesso di soggiorno for job searching, packed with all the nitty-gritty details, to help you transition seamlessly into the Italian job market. Just so you know, I managed the entire process myself, gathering information from local government websites like this one and the immigration portal. Plus, I’ve learned enough Italian to navigate through it all. Remember, every step is a learning experience. Embrace it, and here’s to your success in bella Italia! 🥂🍀

How to check if your permesso di soggiorno is ready for pick up at the police station?

You can check the questura website before coming down to pick up your permesso di soggiorno. Please note that sometimes, it doesn’t work. It happened to me once that the system kept saying it’s not available after 3 months and I had to go down to the police station to inquire about the status of my permesso.


  1. Hi! Thank you for this article. I have a question. What if I graduate before my student permesso expires? Can I wait for its expiration and then apply for this?

    • Hi Mahan, yes, you can wait until 3 months before your student permesso expire and apply for ricerca di lavoro permesso. I said 3 months because the waiting time is usually 3 – 6 months to the next appointment at questura, at least here in Rome.

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